Deep Inquiry
During a Deep Inquiry session, Dayana assists individuals in the process of revealing deeply-held beliefs and/or sensitive issues and helps shed light so they may be examined in an environment of refined awareness and mental clarity. Using all the tools she has acquired in life, in addition to constant access to AMAG's wisdom, a Deep Inquiry session can be life-changing. $150/hour (maximum 3 hours).
In addition to constant contact with AMAG, I am a Certified Laughter Yoga™️ Teacher and a Certified Matrix Energetics™️ Practitioner. For more than 40 years, I have had the honor and privilege of assisting people in their chosen spiritual paths, using a wide variety of techniques and tools: Pendulum and Body dowsing; Retrieving information from sacred sites and ancient stones; performing Shamanic ceremonies; Recalling past and future lives; Clairvoyant communication for people, animals, and plants.