Harmonizer Pendants

Newly Designed & Available Soon!

Introducing the reimagined version of the beloved Harmonizer Pendant. Crafted by our new expert caster and finished by master artisans in South Africa, this very special pendant now shines brighter than ever. Available in exquisite Vermeil and timeless Sterling silver, the Harmonizer Pendant embodies a perfect blend of sacred geometry and modern elegance. 

Coming Soon...

"I've been wearing my silver AMAG pendant nearly every day since 2010.  Mostly, I notice it when I DON'T have it on!  It brings a positive sense of balance and security to me." ~ Jen Embody, Denver

"I've been on a long, slow journey from self-loathing to self-acceptance, compassion and appreciation, and finally self-love. This last step seemed almost impossible for a compulsive caregiver. Then my Harmonizer Pendant arrived and I've been wearing it day and night. It feels like the heavy energy has lifted and it's easier to return to self-love when the old habits kick in. The pendant doesn't magically carry me up the mountain, but it helps me enjoy the hike and treasure the views along the way."  ~ S. D. Montana, USA 

Photograph of an Albatross courtesy of JayaVision.com.